While religion at the Grammys is no new concept, this year’s award ceremony echoed important political messages within the religiously based performances. First, in Beyonce’s performance, she embodied a variety of different eastern and western religions from Hinduism to Catholicism. Beyonce performed with her very obviously pregnant belly, which personified her as a “divine mother” figure. Next, A Tribe Called Quest’s performance held much more political undertones, as it was a directed response to Trump’s travel ban. Lyrics in his song thanked Trump for his “unsuccessful attempt at the Muslim Ban” while women in hijabs performed, knocking down a staged construction wall. Lastly, Chance the Rapper preformed with the Christian artist, Chris Tomlin. Together they performed the song “How Great is Our God”. Religion at the Grammys this year showed up in diverse and unexpected ways. The religious performances and speeches proved that religion in American society is seen as creating social cohesion, but also conflict as McGuire has discussed in previous chapters.