Religious Autobiography
Before the second day of class write a 2-page religious autobiography (about 500 words). Turn this in by 8am on Moodle, in the correct folder. Come ready to share some portion of that autobiography with the class.
- It would be wise to connect the autobiography to some of the ideas contained in the first chapter of McGuire’s text.
Blog Reflection
Part I: By 5pm each Monday post a 300-word reflection on our course blog.
This essay should connect some aspect of the course reading with real life: either your own, your friends’ and family’s, public life, something in the news, or something else of your choice. Bring a copy to Tuesday morning’s class.
Part II: Sometime during the following week, you should read and comment on two other students’ posts. If appropriate, please respond to comments or questions that the other students post on your essay.
See our About Blog Posts page for details about this assignment.