Not everything worthwhile comes in books. We’ll also read articles: from scholarly journals, from popular publications, and from the ‘net. Rather than ask you to spend $80-$100 on a printed reader, however, I’ve put a set of useful articles on Library Reserve.
Here’s the list. We’ll each read at most 12 of these, taken from among those BOLDFACED below (sometimes we’ll divide the labor, with groups of students reading one article and teaching it to the others). The rest are for you to pursue as they catch your interest — and as grist for your Current Issues Project.
Consult the Our Schedule page to see what you should read when.
The List:
- Antoun: “Introduction” (from Antoun: Understanding Fundamentalism, 2nd ed., Rowman & Littlefield , 2008: 1-36)
- Badey: “The Role of Religion in International Terrorism” Sociological Focus 35/1: 81-86, 2002
- Berger: “Religious America, Secular Europe?” (from Berger et al: Religious America, Secular Europe Ashgate, 2008: 9-22)
- Bruce: “Christianity in Britain, R.I.P.” Sociology of Religion 62/2: 191-203, 2001
- Cadge & Ecklund: “Immigration and Religion” Annual Review of Sociology 33: 359-379, 2007
- Chaves: “All Creatures Great and Small: Megachurches in Context” Review of Religious Research 47/4:329-346, 2006
- Chaves: “Secularization as Declining Religious Authority” Social Forces 72/3: 749-774, 1994.
- Chen: “The Religious Varieties of Ethnic Presence: A Comparison between a Taiwanese Immigrant Buddhist Temple and an Evangelical Christian Church” Sociology of Religion 63/2: 215-238, 2002
- Coco & Woodward: “Discourses of Authenticity Within a Pagan Community: The Emergence of the “Fluffy Bunny” Sanction” Journal of Contemporary Ethnography 36/5:479-504, 2007
- Csordas: “Global Religion and the Re-enchantment of the World” (from Csordas: Transnational Transcendence, California, 2009: 73-95
- Davidman & Greil: “Characters in Search of a Script: The Exit Narratives of Formerly Ultra-Orthodox Jews” Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion 46/2: 201-216, 2007
- Demerath. “Secularization and Sacralization Deconstructed and Reconstructed” (from Beckford & Demerath: Handbook of the Sociology of Religion, Sage 2007: 57-80)
- Dubner: “Choosing My Religion” (New York Times Magazine, March 31, 1996)
- Ebaugh: “Reproducing Ethnicity” (from Ebagh & Chafetz: Religion and the New Immigrants, Altamira, 2000: 80-99)
- Elizondo: “Popular Religion as the Core” (from Albanese: American Spiritualities Indiana, 2001: 95-111)
- Fine: “Contrasting Secular and Religious Terrorism” Middle East Quarterly 15/1: 59-69, 2008.
- Finke: “An Unsecular America” (from Bruce ed, Religion and Modernization Oxford, 1992: 145-169)
- Gray & Thumma: “The Gospel Hour: Liminality, Identity, and Religion in a Gay Bar” (from Thumma & Gray: Gay Religion Altamira, 2004: 285-302)
- Hammond & Warner: “Religion & Ethnicity” Annals of the Amer. Academy 527: 55-66, 1993
- Hunter: “Policy Brawls” (from Hunter: Culture Wars, Basic Books, 1992: 182-195)
- Jenkins: “The Christian Revolution” (from Jenkins: The Next Christendom (3rd ed) Oxford, 2011: 1-20)
- Juergensmeyer: “Is Religion the Problem” Hedgehog Review 6/1: 8-17, 2004.
- Keister: “Upward Wealth Mobility: Exploring the Roman Catholic Advantage” Social Forces 85/3: 1195-1225, 2007
- Killian: “From a Community of Believers to an Islam of the Heart: ‘Conspicuous’ Symbols, Muslim Practices, and the Privatization of Religion in France” Sociology of Religion 2007, 68/3: 305-320
- Levitt: “Redefining the Boundaries of Belonging: The Institutional Character of Transnational Religious Life” Sociology of Religion 65/1: 1-18, 2004.
- Marti: “Affinity, Identity, and Transcendence: The Experience of Religious Racial Integration in Diverse Congregations” Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion 48/1: 53-68, 2009
- Marty: “Fundamentalism as a Social Phenomenon” Bulletin of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences 42/2: 15-29, 1988.
- McGuire: “Everyday Religion as Lived” (from Lived Religion, Oxford, 2008)
- Neitz: “Queering the Dragonfest” Sociology of Religion 61/4: 369-391, 2000
- Nelson: “At Ease With Our Own Kind: Worship Practices And Class Segregation In American Religion” (from Cloud & Mirola: Religion & Class in America, Brill, 2008)
- Nelson: “Sacrifice of Praise” Sociology of Religion 57/4: 379-396, 1996
- Nepstad: “Religion, Violence, and Peacemaking” Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion 43/3: 297–301, 2004
- Olson: “The Public Perception of ‘Cults’ and ‘New Religious Movements'”, Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion 45/1: 97-106, 2006
- Olson & Cadge: “Talking about Homosexuality: The Views of Mainline Protestant Clergy” Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion 41/1: 153-167, 2002.
- Sechzer: “‘Islam and Woman: Where Tradition Meets Modernity’: History and Interpretations of Islamic Women’s Status” Sex Roles 51/5: 263-272, 2004
- Smith: “Correcting a Curious Neglect, or Bringing Religion Back In” (from Smith (ed) Disruptive Religion Routledge, 1996: 1-28).
- Smith: “Mapping the Big Picture” (from Soul Searching, Oxford 2005: 30-71)
- Smith: “Two Baptist Girls” (from Soul Searching, Oxford 2005: 9-29)
- Smith & Faris: “Socioeconomic Inequality in the American Religious System: An Update and Assessment” Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion 44/1: 95-104, 2005
- Spickard: “Networks, Homes, or Congregations?” (from Adogame: Religion in the Context of African Migration, Bayreuth, 2005: 23-41)
- Spickard: “Narrative vs Theory in the Sociology of Religion” (from Beckford & Walliss: Theorising Religion: Classical and Contemporary Debates, Ashgate 2006: 163-175).
- Spickard: “Religion in an Interconnected World” (manuscript)
- Spickard: “Ritual, Symbol, Experience: Understanding Catholic Worker House Masses” Sociology of Religion 66/4: 337-358, 2005
- Tabor: “Apocalypse at Waco: Could the Tragedy Have Been Averted?” Bible Review 9/5: 25-32, 1993
- Wallace: “The Social Construction of a New Leadership Role: Catholic Women Pastors” Sociology of Religion 54/1: 31-42, 1993.
- Wellman, & Tokuno: ‘Is Religious Violence Inevitable?’ Journal for Scientific Study of Religion 43/3: 291-296, 2004
- Wilson: “Secularization and its Discontents” (from Religion in Sociological Perspective Oxford, 1982: 148-180)
- Woodhead: “Gendering Secularization Theory” Social Compass 52/2: 187-193, 2008
- Wuthnow & Offutt: “Transnational Religious Connections” Sociology of Religion 69/2: 209-232, 2008
- Yang & Ebaugh: “Transformations in New Immigrant Religions and Their Global Implications” American Sociological Review 66/2: 269-288,2001.
- Yip: “Dare to Differ: Gay and Lesbian Catholics’ Assessment of Official Catholic Positions on Sexuality” Sociology of Religion 58/2:165-180, 1997
- Zimbauer et al: “Religion and Spirituality: Unfuzzying the Fuzzy” Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion 36/4: 549-564, 1997