This Sunday I visited the Center for Spiritual Living. I was very nervous about attending, as I had never been to a religious service before. It was a small gathering but immediately I felt very welcomed. Previous to the main service there had been a meditation group and when I entered people were in the back talking and drinking coffee and tea. For seating, there was an option to sit at one of the several tables or in the pews that were on either side of the room. I decided to sit in one of the pews. Many songs were sung, some the whole congregation sang together and instruments were distributed. The service felt very joyous, there was a lot of dancing and laughter. There were about 20-25 people in attendance. Most were 60+ and there were two little kids. Overall, this was a very different experience for me and I was glad to have visited a religious service. It was also interesting to consider the questions provided on the observation guide while in attendance. The whole time I was there I was concerned about finding answers to these questions in addition to doing my best to be respectful as a visitor. I was definitely taken out of my comfort zone which added another challenge to this assignment.