I have really been enjoying listening to the case study presentations. The Sacred Stories, Spiritual Tribes presentation really triggered my interest, as it began with a meditation, reminding the class to focus on breath and consciousness. I took a meditation practicum class last semester and I am currently taking a class called Compassion, which teaches students to be consciously compassionate beings. I have been trying to find ways to make myself be a more conscious person. I feel like I am able to enjoy myself and be fully engaged if I am more conscious of what I am doing and feeling. I always find it fascinating when content from my classes overlap and intertwine. The guided meditation on Wednesday was very similar to what we do in the compassion class that I am in, and the meditation class from last semester.
Spirituality and living a spiritual life are interesting topics for college students and young people to discuss. In my meditation class we spoke about whether or not a meditation and consciousness class should be mandatory for freshmen in college. Starting the presentation with a guided meditation made me realize that it could be a good idea for a meditation class to be mandatory for incoming college freshmen. I found myself to be more engaged in the conversation and more focused on what the presenters had to say. It is important for people in today’s society to take some time out of their day to focus on breathing and consciousness.