President Trump has arisen numerous concerns among the people of America, especially those who are immigrants. Reading Brett Hoover’s book “Shared Parish: Latinos, Anglos and the Future of US Catholicism” really displayed how both the Immigrants coming to this country and the Euro American already present in the Catholic Church struggled to share a place of worship that was an important part of their spiritual and mental well being. Looking at the article “Catholic Bishops Challenge Donald Trump on Immigration” it is clear that the Catholic Church is taking a stand in order to help those that are being alienated by the Trump Administration. According to the article the Catholic Church agrees with Trump on Abortion, same sex marriage and some affordable care act policies. However, they are also in great defense of Hispanic members as “Latinos represent the future of the church: Sixty percent of Catholics in the United States younger than 18 are Latino, and 90 percent of them were born here”. I find it heart warming that the Catholic Church wants to help its Hispanic population, but on the other hand shouldn’t it be the Christian thing to do to help all those that are being discriminated upon like Muslims not just the Hispanic Catholics?