A Step in the Right Direction

NBC News Published a story on Rabbi Sharon Kleinbaum a lesbian Rabbi in New York City who is the main preacher at the Congregation Beit Simchat Torah. This congregation in New York City is unique compared to other Synagogues in that it’s considered to be a “LGBTQ Synagogue”. It caters to the diverse community of New York by welcoming “[those] who [were] estranged from their families or aren’t welcome to worship at other synagogues”. The synagogue made headlines as it collaborated with the Islamic Society of NYU to take a stand against the hate crimes that have come about from the presidential election. This article captured my attention as it is a counter example of the section on religion breaking apart societies in McGuire’s book. On page 209 in the quote “Conflict between religious groups within modern nations tends to be subtler but when religious boundaries are coextensive with other boundaries open conflict can erupt” I’ve always been under the impression that there was conflict between the Islam and Judaism that originated from the origins of the two religions. It gives me hope that although the country seems like we don’t know how to coexist at least some centers of faith are taking a step in the right direction.




Source: http://www.nbcnews.com/feature/nbc-out/outfront-lesbian-rabbi-fights-intolerance-love-n701151