
In Chapter 3 of McGuire’s book, conversion is discussed as a gradual change in an individual’s meaning system and worldview.  If someone who is committed to one religion decides to convert to another, this person’s outlook on life would have had to change in meaningful ways to warrant this.  One would have to give up previous attachments to their ex-religion and further immerse themselves in their new one in order to cement their faith.  I find it interesting the idea of conversion though.  What kind of reasons or thinking process would lead one to abandon one religion for the other?

McGuire talks about the gradual change that occurs through interaction with members of that faith, and a growing identification with the beliefs of that religion, as well as the stages of disaffiliation.  When moving away from one’s religion McGuire discusses four stages to this process including: “first doubts, seeking and weighing role-alternatives, a turning point, and establishing an ex-role identity” (McGuire 92).  I find it really interesting to learn about the ideas behind conversion or just disaffiliating from one’s religion.  For me, the faith that I grew up in has become such a large part of my worldview and belief system.  In order to completely stop calling myself a Catholic, I would have to change a large part of my worldview and start identifying myself with something else.  Due to the role religion plays in people’s lives, I imagine that this is a life-changing process for most and it reminds me of Glen from the movie we watched in class.  Although he wasn’t a man of faith before, it is because he changed his worldview and committed himself to his religion that he underwent a great transformation in his life.  The power of religion is truly astonishing. (295 Words)