President Trump is hoping to appeal the Johnson Act which was passed in 1954 in order to stop churches and non-profit organizations from having the ability to favor a political candidate by supporting them with money or by campaigning. Many in favor of abolishing the amendment believe that the first amendments rights of nonprofits and churches are being taken away, while the opposing side believes that because these types of organizations do not pay taxes, they should not be able to use their tax exempt money to endorse political campaigns. Churches and non-profit members can individually advocate for a certain political campaign but cannot “claim to be speaking on behalf of their religious organization” (Blumberg). There is a divide in statistical evidence as to how far the amendment should be changed. According to the article “60 percent of Republicans believe churches should express their political views [but only] 38 percent of Republicans think churches should go as far as endorsing candidates” (Blumberg). If President Trump is successful in taking away the Johnson Act than many might feel forced to vote or support whichever candidate their congregation chooses. America was founded on the notion of separation between church and state, so by taking away this act where would the dividing lines stand?