In listening to the case study presentations given this past week has been a great way to learn about and explore different perspectives on many topics in religion. One presentation that was really memorable to me was on Nancy Tatom Ammerman’s Sacred Stories, Spiritual Tribes: Finding Religion in Everyday Life. After hearing what the group presented on the book, and learning the objectives of the case study, I became interested in reading the book after the fact, just to learn more about the different religious perspectives, and the presence of spirituality in different peoples’ lives. I related to the idea of subconsciously practicing means of spirituality throughout one’s day. Forcing myself to think of all of the things that I routinely do that may be perceived as spiritual made me realize just how much I do. Such a revelation has me somewhat baffled, because I have never really thought of myself as being religious even though I acknowledge my own spirituality. I correlate my overlooking of spiritual practices to the way in which I was raised, which seemed to normalize the spiritual, like a daily meditation or grounding oneself to nature. Because of this, I had a moment of confusion when I went to do my congregation visit and as part of the service, we were asked to silently pray for a couple of minutes; I realized I did not know how to pray. This confused me in the moment, because I could not distinguish praying from my own meditations and mantras and chants that went along with it. This revelation gave me a new perspective, and made me realize that perhaps what I deem my own spirituality has more in common with other religions, in that there is a certain way and order in which I go about my spiritual rituals throughout the day.