According to a recent news article by Fox News, North Dakota is considering lifting an old law that doesn’t allow people to shop on Sundays until the afternoon. (, Jan. 23) This is an old blue law that is a part of old religious traditions. (, Jan. 23) 16 other states as well as North Dakota still have laws like this in effect even to this day. (, Jan. 23) These laws restrict certain activities on Sundays that might interfere with people going to church. (, Jan. 23) Back then, these laws were considered very helpful in that regard. However, today many don’t consider them helpful anymore. Some even find them to be a burden. North Dakota wanting to end one of these old laws demonstrates the changing tide of religious influence in society. For a few hundred years churches and religious organizations set the standards for how people used to live their lives. (McGuire, Pg. 115) They were supposed to go to church faithfully and practiced what the church told them to practice. (McGuire, Pg. 115) Religious institutions were very influential in society back then, especially since governments often backed them by creating certain laws. (McGuire, Pg. 115) However in modern times, the tide has now gone in the opposite direction. (McGuire, Pg. 117) People are starting to break away from organized religion and religious tradition now more than ever. (McGuire, Pg. 117) Therefore, the events in North Dakota maybe symbolizing this weakening of religious influence in today’s society.